Friday 30 November 2018

The single biggest reason why startups succeed

Startup Contracts Explained.

I detest Business.. (circa 2007)

When I came out of college with my undergrad degree, I almost detested the idea of business. I would think it as evil and sucking life out of poor people. I would look at business people as those trying to play games and always trying to say things they don't believe in.

You may say, that's not true but trust me it took me almost 10 years to understand the true value of business and why not all businessmen are evil. I think my opinion was based out of the dataset I was exposed to growing up and I was in no way wanting to be like them.

But today, I think a lot has changed in my mindset about business. I see value in it. I see the ones doing it as an important role in society and the potential of uplifting lives of many people with jobs and opportunities that come from business.

I think of having my own business one day so that I can be independent and grow as I wish. It is a powerful idea but a scary one specially when I have no background and I avoided it for a long time,

This blog is my journey in exploring the world of business. Hope it gives you something to think on.

Startup Funding Explained: Everything You Need to Know

How future Billionaires get Sh*t Done